High School: Hamburg High School
Hamburg, New York
College: S.U.N.Y. Empire State
Associates Degree
Logan College of Chiropractic
Bachelor of Science, 1985
Logan College of Chiropractic
Doctor of Chiropractic, 1986
Diplomat American Chiropractic Board of Radiology, 1990
Private Practice: Private Radiology Group
Radiology Consultants/Midwest, Inc.
August 1990 – Present
Private Clinical Practice
June 1991 – June 1995
Chiropractic Licensure: Missouri
Residency Training: Diagnostic Imaging
Logan College of Chiropractic
Chesterfield, Missouri
Major Area of Interest: Advanced Imaging
Chiropractic Education
Avocation: Reading
Swim Coach
2016 Recognition of Distinguished Service-Logan University
2013 Distinguished Service Award-Alumni Association
2009 Distinguished Service Award-Alumni Association
2007 Awarded Tenure at Logan College
2003 Governors Award –Excellence in Teaching
2002 Emerson Award-Excellence in Teaching
2002 Distinguished Service Award-Alumni Association
2002 Instructor of the Year-Student Doctors Council
- Excellence in education-MSCA
2001 Re-Certified Instructor in ART
2000 Certified Instructor in ART
2000 Excellence in Education – MSCA
1999 Distinguished Service Award – Logan College of
Chiropractic Alumni Association
1999 Alumni Research Award
1999 Community Service Award, St. Peters RecPlex Sharks
1998 Community Service Award, St. Peters RecPlex Sharks
1997 Community Service Award, Wentzville Sea Dragons
1997 Community Service Award, St. Peters RecPlex Sharks
1996 Community Service Award, Wentzville Sea Dragons
- Community Service Award, St. Peters Rec-Plex Sharks
July 1996 Student Doctor Council Certification of Appreciation
- Community Service Award, Wentzville Parks and Recreation and Sea Dragons Swimming
1995 Community Service Award, St. Peters and Rec-Plex Sharks
- Community Service Award, St. Peters and Rec-Plex Sharks
- Community Service Award, Wentzville, Missouri
- Mayoral Distinguished Service Award
1992 Alumni Research Award
1990 Alumni Research Award
1990 Community Service Award, Wentzville, Missouri
1986 Distinguished Service Award Class of 12/86
1986 Distinguished Service Award SACA
1986 Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities
1986 Cum Laude, Logan College of Chiropractic
- Dean’s List, Logan College of Chiropractic
Academic Appointments: ACCR Annual Meeting
Portland, OR
Committee member
Application Reviewer
ACCR Annual Meeting
Minneapolis, MN
Committee member
Application Reviewer
ACCR Annual Meeting
Chicago, IL
Committee member
Application Reviewer
NBCE part III test committee
Committee member
Greeley, CO
ACCR Annual Meeting
Minneapolis, MN
ACCR Annual Meeting
Chair: Annual Convention Cmte/Hotel Liaison
St. Louis MO
ACCR Annual Meeting
Chair: Annual Convention Cmte/Hotel Liaison
Dallas, TX
Committee member
Re-affirmed 2012
ACCR Annual Meeting
Chair: Annual Convention Cmte/Hotel Liaison
Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN
Logan College of Chiropractic Alumni Association
Second Vice President
ACCR Annual Meeting
Hotel Liaison
St. Louis, MO
ACCR Annual Meeting
Hotel Liaison
Ocean City, Maryland
Logan College of Chiropractic Alumni Association
Committee member
ACCR Annual Meeting
Hotel Liaison
San Francisco, CA
Board Member-Logan College of Chiropractic Alumni Association
ACCR Annual Meeting
Hotel Liaison
Denver, CO
Medical Staff-United States Skating National Championships
St. Louis, MO
ACCR Annual Meeting
Atlanta, GA
ACCR Annual Meeting
Minneapolis, MN
Board Member-Logan College of Chiropractic Alumni Association
Rank change to Professor
Logan College of Chiropractor
ACCR Annual Meeting
Dallas, Texas
ACCR Annual Meeting
Nashville, TN
Chair- Clinical Science Division
January 01, 2003
ACCR Annual Meeting-Chairman
Atlanta, GA
Board Member-Logan College of Chiropractic Alumni Association (elected to a 3 year position)
Chesterfield, MO
2002 (fall meeting-homecoming 2005)
Visiting Lecturer Committee-Chairman
Logan College of Chiropractic
Chesterfield, Missouri
ACCR Annual Meeting
Nashville, TN
2001(Meeting to begin 9/14/01 was cancelled due to the travel ban. Dr Guebert and I drove to Nashville and delivered the educational program for the TCA)
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Item Writing Committee, Part II
Greeley, Colorado
Visiting Lecturer Committee
Logan College of Chiropractic
Chesterfield, Missouri
Faculty Council Representative to the
Alumni Board of Directors
Logan College of Chiropractic
2001 (through homecoming)
Alumni Board of Directors
Advisory Board
Logan College of Chiropractic
2001 (homecoming-Fall meeting)
Board Member-Logan College of Chiropractic Alumni Association (appointed to complete a vacated position)
Chesterfield, MO
2001 (fall meeting-homecoming 2002)
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Item Writing Committee, Part II
Greeley, Colorado
ACCR Annual Meeting
Scottsdale, AZ
Visiting Lecturer Committee
Logan College of Chiropractic
Chesterfield, Missouri
Faculty Council Representative to the
Alumni Board of Directors
Logan College of Chiropractic
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Item Writing Committee, Part II
Greeley, Colorado
ACCR Annual Meeting
Philadelphia, PA
Visiting Lecturer Committee
Logan College of Chiropractic
Chesterfield, Missouri
Faculty Council Representative to the
Alumni Board of Directors
Logan College of Chiropractic
Post Graduate Faculty
Parker College of Chiropractic
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Item Writing Committee, Part II
Greeley, Colorado
Associate Professor
Logan College of Chiropractic
ACCR Annual Meeting
Columbus, Ohio
Visiting Lecturer Committee
Logan College of Chiropractic
Chesterfield, Missouri
Faculty Council Representative to the
Alumni Board of Directors
Logan College of Chiropractic
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Item Writing Committee, Part II
Greeley, Colorado
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Item Writing Committee, Part III
Greeley, Colorado
Visiting Lecturer Committee
Logan College of Chiropractic
Chesterfield, Missouri
Explorer Post, Treasurer
Logan College of Chiropractic
Chesterfield, Missouri
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Item Writing Committee, Part II
Greeley, Colorado
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Item Writing Committee, Part III
Greeley, Colorado
American Chiropractic College of Radiology
Site Committee
Visiting Lecturer Committee
Logan College of Chiropractic
Chesterfield, Missouri
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Item Writing Committee
Greeley, Colorado
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Item Writing Committee
Greeley, Colorado
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Item Writing Committee
Greeley, Colorado
Assistant Professor
Logan College of Chiropractic
Chesterfield, Missouri
Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Radiology
Instructor of Chiropractic Science Division
Logan College of Chiropractic
Chesterfield, Missouri
Instructor of Clinical Science Division
Logan College of Chiropractic
Chesterfield, Missouri
September 1990
Instructor Post-Graduate Department
Logan College of Chiropractic
Chesterfield, Missouri
September 1989
Non-Academic Appointments
1. Arthritis Foundation
Past Chair: The Walk
2. Arthritis Foundation
Chair: The Walk
2. Arthritis Foundation
Committee Member: The Walk
3. Wentzville Holt High School
Original Papers:
1. Casper G, Shorten S, Kuhn DR. Pericardial cyst: a case study. Roentgen Brief. Council on Diagnostic Imaging.
2. Shorten J, Casper G, Kuhn DR. Chronic Tophaceous Gout: a case study. Roentgen Brief. Council on
Diagnostic Imaging.
3. Kuhn DR, Shorten J. Hemangioma. Roentgen Brief. Council on Diagnostic Imaging.
4. Kuhn DR, Shorten J, Hobson D. Osteopoikilosis. Roentgen Brief. Council on Diagnostic Imaging.
- Hobson D, Kuhn DR. The elbow fat pad sign. Roentgen Brief. Council on Diagnostic Imaging.
6. Barry M, Kuhn DR, Kettner NW. Sternoclavicular
osteoarthritis simulating an apical lung lesion. Topics in diagnostic radiology.
- Kuhn DR. Imaging strategy for the soft tissue injury; including plain film, C.T., and M.R.I. Presented to the University of Missouri School of Law. Unpublished.
- Kuhn DR, Shibley N. Radiographic evaluation of weight bearing orthotics and their effect on flexible pes plannus. JMPT. May 1999 Vol 22(4):221-226.
- Kuhn DR, Cherry AR, Golab MR, Rodgers SS: The effect on the quadricps angle with the use of an orthotic device. JMPT. In Publication.
- Kuhn DR: Clinical Imaging. Contributing Author for Nutritional, Endocrine and Metabolic Chapter and Infection Chapter. Mosby. 1st edition; Sept. 1998.
- Kuhn DR, Nosco D, Pappas A, Smasal S; Radiographic Evaluation of the Effect of Orthotics on the Unlevel Pelvis
The Journal of Chiropractic Education: Nov. 2003
- Kuhn DR, Bennett N, Carpenter J, Eldridge A, Nosco D; The Validity of Brody’s Navicular Drop Test: The Journal of Chiropractic Education vol. 18 no.1 Spring 2004
- Kuhn DR, Tremba M, Nosco D; Orthotics: A correlation to Spinal Biomechanics: The Journal of Chiropractic Education vol. 18 no.1 Spring 2004
- Kuhn DR: Clinical Imaging. Contributing Author for Nutritional, Endocrine and Metabolic Chapter and Infection Chapter. 2nd edition Mosby.
- Kuhn DR: Clinical Imaging. Contributing Author for Nutritional, Endocrine and Metabolic Chapter and Infection Chapter. 3rd edition Mosby. 2014
Research Projects:
- Kuhn DR, Fitch J. Accuracy of cassette grid lines and film borders, relative to gravity for x-ray measurements. August 1990.
2. Kuhn DR. Low back pain and the incidence of altered Ferguson line.
3. Kuhn DR, Obert S, Gonzalez C, Summers C. The effect of chiropractic manipulation on pulmonary function studies.
4. Kuhn DR, Tiefike M. Manipulation in a hospital setting with the patient under anesthesia.
5. Kuhn DR, Roskein J. Chiropractic and medical management of lumbar herniated disc.
- Kuhn DR, Bickmeyer. The conservative management of
nocturnal enuresis.
7. Kuhn DR, Thrash L, Triplett T. Whiplash: a retrospective study.
- Kuhn DR, Hill R, Reicker B, Knies G. Anterior to
posterior atlas angulation in headache patients.
- Kuhn DR, Radin J, Stevens JS. Clinical findings and the
Penning method.
10. Kuhn DR, Craig E, Jacoby C. And which way you sleep?
11. Kuhn DR, Henderson T. Glycocyamine.
12. Kuhn DR, Mason J. Whiplash and chiropractic manipulation.
13. Kuhn DR, Hormuth J, Roy G, Whalan M, Wilkinson K. Comparison of full spine radiographs, plum line postural analysis and bilateral weight scale.
14. Kuhn DR, Crawford R. Prune belly syndrome: a literature review.
15. Kuhn DR, Creighton T, Venesky C. The reliability of comparing clinically assessed hypomobility found radiographically utilizing the Penning method.
- Kuhn DR, Burson D, Keegan A, Smith A. Effect of patient
positioning on the resulting image projected on the radiograph.
- Kuhn DR, Brown SP. Effects of spinal manipulation in the
patient in the treatment of herniated nucleus pulposus: a literature review.
18. Kuhn DR, Brunke T, Tryphonas TE. Effects of postural changes on patient radiation dose.
19. Kuhn DR, Cinti T, Donnelly R, Ladanyi T. Radiographic evaluation of Foot Levelers shoe insert on pes planus.
20. Kuhn DR, Schneider T. The chiropractic usage of nuclear medicine.
21. Kuhn DR, Chan P, Dill S, Ito D. The effects of superficial temperature changes on the spine with relation to the vertebral subluxation complex after an atlas adjustment as viewed with IR thermograms.
22. Kuhn DR, Nash L, Dorrity S. An evaluation of varying rare earth film/screen speed on patient dosage.
- Kuhn DR, Branham S, Kelley, Sharp M, Zagorski K.
A survey of why does or would the public got to a chiropractor?
24. Kuhn DR, Stuart C. The role of the nervous system in maintaining fertility.
25. Kuhn DR, Keiran P. Rationale for a chiropractic protocol for the management of chronic urinary tract infections.
- Kuhn DR, Green B, Erickson K, Eisel J, Radtke W,
Moore III J. Occupational repetitive motion injuries in chiropractic a correlation to technique application.
27. Kuhn DR, Standinmaier L. Chiropractic approach to cerebral palsy.
28. Kuhn DR, Gieg K, Sanson E. A comparitive study of the
effects of radiographic film-screen combination on film
optical density and detail.
- Kuhn DR, Shibley N. Radiographic evaluation of weight bearing orthotics and their effect on flexible pes plannus. Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics.
In Publication
- Kuhn DR, Cherry AR, Golab MR, Rodgers SS. The effect on the quadriceps angle with the use of an orthotic device. Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics.
In Publication.
- Kuhn DR, Licata S. Asthma: a literature review.
- Kuhn DR, Cadotte L, Sykes T, Vascura D, Weiner I. A survey on the health status of children within the chiropractic community.
- Kuhn DR, Baca SP, Rodriguez KM, Shade BR,
Withrow JA. Decreases in cervical lordorsis and its
relationship to headaches.
- Kuhn DR, Tower D, Strassner M, James D, Clemens B,
Labertew M. Field survey – utilization of treatment methods.
- Kuhn DR, Hornak D: The female prostate.
- Kuhn DR, Mlotek T: Chiropractic role in the assessment and treatment of cervicogenic vertigo.
- Kuhn DR, Mueller TM, Marra D, Michael K, Ritchie T, Shaw S: A retrospective study of patient radiographs: hand dominance and its role in scoliosis. 3/00
- Kuhn DR, Gagner K, Ginn N, Hosenfeld C, Kokoska S: A retrospective study assessing changes between pre and post cervical neutral radiographs following chiropractic manipulation. 12/00
- Kuhn DR, Maxeiner D, Andris J, Chin S, Pagan N, Parensenti R: Analysis of pelvic motion and gait: pre and post orthotic insertion – a pilot study. 3/00
- Kuhn DR, Bayersdorfer SK, Potter AC, Wells ZJ: A Correlative Study between the Sacral Base Angle and Pre-Menstrual Distress. 3/01
- Kuhn DR, Cavness B: Repetitive Injury through sports of the Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist. In process
- Kuhn DR, Pappas A, Smasal S: Radiographic Evaluation of the Effect of Orthotics on the Unlevel Pelvis-A Pilot Study. 6/01
- Kuhn DR, Tremba M: Orthotics: A Correlation to Spinal Biomechanics. 12/01
- Kuhn DR, Daniel J, Gouy S: A Survey Examining the Public’s Knowledge of Chiropractic. 2002
- Kuhn DR, Yochum TR, Cherry A, Rodgers S: Immediate Changes in the Quadriceps Femoris Angle After Insertion of an Orthotic. 2002
- Kuhn DR, Bennett N, Carpenter J, Eldridge A: The Validity of the Navicular Drop Test” Journal of Chiropractic Education
- Kuhn DR, Stubbs C: Cigarette Smoking and Crohn’s Disease: Are they Linked? In process
- Kuhn DR, Corrigan T, Walraven D: A Pilot Study: The Effect of Active Release Techniques on Repetitive Microtrauma of the Shoulder in process
- Kuhn DR, Berjac D: Antioxident Therapy of the HIV/AIDS Infected Patient; in process 2003
- Kuhn DR, Plummer K: Ankylosing Spondylitis: Types of Alternative Care compared to Allopathic Care; in process 2003
- Kuhn DR, Nosco D, Pappas A, Smasal S; Radiographic Evaluation of the Effect of Orthotics on the Unlevel Pelvis
The Journal of Chiropractic Education: Nov. 2003
- Kuhn DR, Tremba M, Nosco D; Orthotics: A correlation to Spinal Biomechanics: The Journal of Chiropractic Education vol. 18 no.1 Spring 2004
- Kuhn DR, Brunkhorst D, Goodin B; Conservative Care For the Down Syndrome Patient Nov. 2004
- Kuhn DR, Ellison KM; Supplementation of the Anti-Cytokine, Nettle Leaf, in the Treatment of Patients Suffering from OA Fall 2004
- Kuhn DR, Hall C; Management Strategies for Osteoporosis Fall 2004
- Kuhn DR, Kuzyk K; ACL Injuries in Female Athletes: A Current Review of the Etiology, Predisposition, Assessment, Treatment and Prevention of the Injured ACL Fall 2004
- Kuhn DR, Loop, M; Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy Fall 2004
- Kuhn DR, Caserta K, Karcher K, Koszylko M
Changes in Navicular Position compared to the Results of a Questionaire
- Kuhn DR, Sauser C; The Effectiveness of Orthotics on the Biomechanics of Runners.
- Kuhn DR, Sharoh K; A Literature Review on the Use of ART®, Nimmo, and Low Level Laser Therapy on Soft Tissue Sports Injury. 2005
- Kuhn DR, McGraw E; The Etiology, Assessment, and Treatment of Hypolordosis: A First Look
- Kuhn DR, Stamper D; The Conservative Management of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
- Kuhn DR, Hart S, Westemeir J; Stability and Balance Evaluation of Navicular Drop Subjects to post Conditioning with the use of Orthotics and Wobble Board Exercises
- Kuhn DR, Bradburn C, Brame J, Elder D, Follas, B;
Efficacy of ART on Active Cervical Range of Motion
- Kuhn DR, Conner C, Hatfield R, Hewitt D, Sanford A, Snow T; The Effect of Activator Methods Basic Scan Adjusting on Golf Ball Driving Distance and Club Head Speed.
66. Kuhn DR, Nimchuk M, Shambach J, Sims K, Unverzagt S Public Perceptions of Osteoarthritis: A Chiropractic Perspective As Demonstrated by Survey
- Kuhn DR, Ross J, Manini U , Weerasinghe R
The Efficacy of Rehabilitation versus Manipulation in Upper Cross Syndrome Patients
- Kuhn DR, Foster C
Arnold-Chiari Malformation: A Review of Presenting Signs and Symptoms
68. Kuhn DR, Beutel E
Causes, treatment, and prevention of Tendonitis/Tendonosis in Runners: A Literature Review
- Kuhn DR, Mohl L
Complementary and Alternative Management of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Review
69 KuhnDR, HatchL
A Comparison of Basic Method X-Ray marking using A-P Full Sine view versus AP and PA pelvis views
70 KuhnDR, BrehonK, PyeA
The effect of ART on Scoliotic Musculature measured by SEMG
71. KuhnDR, DillerM, SmithR
The effect of Active Release Technique® on tension headaches
72. KuhnDR, BakerJ, DivineJ, JamesonJ, ThackerD, UnfriedA
Management of upper cross syndrome through the use of Active Release Technique® (ART) and prescribed exercises
73. KuhnDR, BaconA, BergmannD, WachtelN
The Effect of Active Release Technique
On Tension Headaches: A continuation study
74. KuhnDR, HutchinsonJ, PirigyiJ, WattersB
Using diagnostic ultrasound to determine normal physiologic migratory parameters of the sciatic nerve at the external rotators of the femur in healthy subjects during hip flexion and knee extension.
75. KuhnDR, BennerD, DixonE, PlumleyT
The Effectiveness of Active Release Therapy on Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
76. KuhnDR,BradfordJ, WanningerT, KuperS, WengM,OgdenL
The Effects of ART on TMJ Gait Dysfunction and
Subjective Pain
77. KuhnDR, HaunD, BrownE, DunbarJ, PageR
The Existence of Reduced Sciatic Nerve Excursion in a Symptomatic Population Using an ART® Protocol: A pilot Study
78. KuhnDR, ReckelhoffK, DamhoffB, BrightD, EckmanE
Effects on Local Tissue in Plantar FasciitisPatients Produced by ART® and Demonstrated on DX US
79. KuhnDR, Curtin,M
The Effects of Active Release Technique on Menstrual Cramps: Case Studies
80. KuhnDR, BarnhartM, DimittK, MathewsJ, SmithA, SpurlockT
Effects of Active Release Technique Protocols on Improving Active Cervical Rotation
81. KuhnDR, GaitleyE, GeringerS, LoweyD, VogelA
The Effects of Active Release Technique on active ankle ROM and achilles tendon excursion: a pilot study
82. KuhnDR, Randlett :literature review
Spondylolithesis: The Effect of Bracing
83. KuhnDR, Hutton-WightmanC: Leaky Gut
Membership in 1. American Chiropractic Association
Professional Societies: 1987 – Present
2. Council on Diagnostic Imaging
1987 – Present
3. Missouri Chiropractic Physicians Association – District One
1987 – Present
4. Delta Sigma Chi
Professional Fraternal Organization 1984-Present
5. American Chiropractic College of Radiology
Post Graduate Training: 1. Challenge of the lumbar spine by: Yochum T. 1986
2. Spondylolisthesis: a new perspective by: Yochum T. 1987
3. The seven wonders of the spine by: Yochum T. 1998
4. American Chiropractic College of Radiology
Annual Meeting, 1988
5. American Chiropractic College of Radiology
Annual Meeting, 1989
6. American Chiropractic College of Radiology
Annual Meeting, 1990
7. American Society of Neuroradiology
Annual Meeting, 1992
8. American Chiropractic College of Radiology
Annual Meeting, 1992
9. American Chiropractic College of Radiology
Annual Meeting, 1993
10. National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Angoff Test: Construction and Evaluation, 1993
11. American Chiropractic College of Radiology
Annual Meeting, 1994
12. MSCA Extremity Adjusting (4 hours)
October 1994
13. MSCA Nutrition Seminar (16 hours)
November 1994
14. Professional Excellence and Quality Practice (12 hours)
Orlando, Florida, 1994
15. American Chiropractic College of Radiology (15 hours)
Annual Meeting, 1995
16. MSCA Physical Therapeutics (6 hours)
Jascoviak, 1995
17. Logan College of Chiropractic Homecoming (20 hours)
June 1996
18. MSCA Physical Diagnosis (4 hours)
19. MSCA Physical Diagnosis (4 hours)
20. MSCA Symposium (4 hours – Radiology)
21. American Chiropractic College of Radiology (16 hours)
Annual Meeting, 1996
22. American Board of Chiropractic Orthopedics
Physical Diagnosis – 12 hour lecture
December 1996
23. Deaconess Hospital – Chiropractic Service
Physical Diagnosis – 4 hour lecture
- Logan College of Chiropractic Homecoming (22 hours)
June 1997
- American Chiropractic College of Radiology (16 hours)
Annual Meeting – 1997
- Chiropractic Assistant Radiology (50 hours)
St. Louis, Missouri – 1997
27. Chiropractic Assistant Lab Technique (24 hours)
St. Louis, Missouri – January/February 1997
28. MSCA Physical Diagnosis (4 hours) 1997
- MSCA X-Ray Diagnosis (4 hours)
Spring Convention – 1997
- X- Ray Diagnosis – Deaconess Hospital (4 hours)
St. Louis, Missouri – March 1997
- California State Board Requirement (15 hours)
Pelvic/Prostate Requirements
St. Louis, Missouri – 1997
- Kentucky State Convention (6 hours)
October 1997
- MSCA X-Ray (4 hours)
December 1997
- Chiropractic Assistant Radiology (50 hours)
- Association of Chiropractic Colleges
Presentation of Research Results 02-28-98
Evaluation of orthotics in pes planus
- Deaconess Hospital – Chiropractic Service
Radiology Renewal – (4 hours)
- Logan College of Chiropractic Homecoming (24 hours) June – 1998
- Diplomate in Neurology Section (15 hours)
- Logan College of Chiropractic
License Renewal – Arthritides (4 hours)
- Missouri State Chiropractic Association
Neurology (4 hours)
- Assembly of Chiropractic College
Presentation of research results 03/17-21/99
“Evaluation of orthotics on the Q-Angle of the knee”
- Parker College of Chiropractic
Post Graduate – Diplomate in Radiology
Neuroradiology 15 hours
Dallas, TX 05/1-2/99
- Deaconess Hospital Chiropractic Division
Radiology Renewal (4 hour)
Gastrointestinal Radiology (4 hours)
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Instructor, Pelvic/Prostate Course- 5 hours
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Instructor, Pelvic/Prostate Course – 5 hours
- Diplomate in Neurology
Neuroradiology System (15 hours)
San Francisco, CA 06/12-13/99
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Homecoming 1999
Neuroradiology – 4 hours
St. Louis, MO
- Diplomate in Neurology
Neuroradiology – 15 hours
Long Island, NY 06/19-20/99
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Neurology – 4 hour
St. Louis, MO
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Instructor, Pelvic/Prostate Course- 5 hours
- Pennsylvania Chiropractic Association
Annual Convention – Radiological Extravaganza – 1 ½ Hr.
Philadelphia, PA
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Laboratory Diagnosis – 12 Hours
Diplomate Program in Orthopedics
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Arthritides – C.E. – 4 hours
Arthritides – C.E. 4 hours
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Radiology – 12 hour
- Logan College of Chiropractic
G.I. Radiology – 4 hour
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Arthritides – C.E. 4hours
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Neuroradiology – 24 hours
Amsterdam, Netherlands
2/25 – 27/2000
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Instructor, Pelvic Prostate – 3 hours
- Active Release Technique Spine
Toronto, Ontario – 20 hours
3/30 – 4/02/00
- Logan College of Chiropractic
1st National Symposium on Complementary and Alternative Geriatric Health Care – 12.5 hours
4/29 – 30/2000
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Nutrition Diplomate Course – 2 hours
63. Logan College of Chiropractic
Instructor, Pelvic Prostate – 5 hours
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Homecoming Seminar
24 hours
5/15 – 18/00
- Logan College of Chiropractic/Foot Levelers
“The Body in Distress”
Springfield, IL – 12 hours
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Soft Tissue Management
15 hours
- Logan College of Chiropractic/Foot Levelers
“The Body in Distress”
St. Louis, MO – 12 hours
- Logan College of Chiropractic/Foot Levelers
“The Body in Distress”
Charleston, WV – 12 hours
- American Chiropractic College of Radiology (ACCR)
Annual Symposium – 14 hours
Scottsdale, AZ
- Association of Arizona Chiropractors
Annual Convention 1.25 hours
Scottsdale, AZ
- Logan College of Chiropractic
CCSP – Radiology Section
12 hours
Salt Lake City, UT
- Active Release Technique (ART)
Instructor Certification 20 hours
Hasbrouck Heights, NJ
- Logan College of Chiropractic/Foot Levelers
“The Body in Distress”
Denver, CO – 12 hours
- Logan College of Chiropractic/Foot Levelers
“The Body in Distress”
Albuquerque, NM – 12 hours
Required 4 hour Radiology
Earth City, MO
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Required 4 hour Radiology
Spinal Manifestations of Dermatological Conditions
Chesterfield, MO
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Required 4 hour Radiology
Skeletal Manifestations of Dermatological Conditions
- Logan College of Chiropractic/Foot Levelers
“The Body in Distress”-12 hours
Lexington, KY
2/10 & 11/01
- Alumni Association Meeting
4 hours
St Petes’ Beach, FL
2/16 & 17/01
- Logan College of Chiropractic/Foot Levelers
“The Body in Distress”-12 hours
Tucson, AZ
- Logan College of Chiropractic/Foot Levelers
“The Body in Distress”-12 hours
Charlottesville, VA
3/17 & 18/01
- Logan College of Chiropractic/Foot Levelers
“The Body in Distress”-12 hours
Springfield, MA
4/28 & 29/01
- Logan College of Chiropractic/Foot Levelers
“The Body in Distress”-12 hours
Cleveland, OH
5/19 & 20/01
84. Cleveland Chiropractic College-Homecoming 2001
Sponsored by Footlevelers, Inc.
Racing to Disaster-4 hours
Kansas City, KS
85. Logan College of Chiropractic
Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician
Radiology for the Sports Physician-12 hours
San Antonio, TX
6/9 & 10/01
86. Logan College of Chiropractic- Homecoming 2001
Coming Home -24hours
St Louis, MO
- Logan College of Chiropractic/Foot Levelers
“The Body in Distress”-12 hours
Detroit, MI
6/23 & 24/01
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Radiation Technology- 10 hours
St. Louis, MO
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Radiation Technology- 8 hours
St. Louis, MO
- Logan College of Chiropractic/Foot Levelers
“The Body in Distress”-12 hours
Little Rock, AR
9/8 & 9/01
91. Tennessee Chiropractic Association-Annual Convention
Emergency Program due to events of 9/11/01
9 hours
Nashville, TN
9/15 & 16/01
92. Logan College of Chiropractic
Auriculotherapy – 8 hours
Naples, FL
9/28 & 29/01
93. Logan College of Chiropractic
Radiation Technology- 10 hours
St. Louis, MO
- Illinois State Chiropractic Society
Imaging Tools for the Chiropractor-4 hours
St Louis, MO
95. Logan College of Chiropractic
Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician
Radiology for the Sports Physician-12 hours
St. Louis, MO
11/17 & 18/01
- Logan College of Chiropractic/Foot Levelers
“The Body in Distress”-12 hours
Fargo, ND
12/1 & 2/01
- Logan College of Chiropractic
4 hours of required radiology
GI manifestations
98. Logan College of Chiropractic
Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician
Radiology of the Upper Extremity -4 hours
St. Louis, MO
99. Logan College of Chiropractic
Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician
Radiology of the Lower Extremity -4 hours
St. Louis, MO
- Florida Chiropractic Association
Pes Planus and Lower Extremity Injury- 4 hours
Jacksonville, Fla
101. Logan College of Chiropractic
4 hours of required radiology
GI manifestations
- Logan College of Chiropractic-Homecoming
The Human Frame through the Ages
4- hours radiology
- Tennessee Valley Chiropractic Association
Laboratory Diagnosis
8\24 & 25\02
103. Logan College of Chiropractic
Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician
Radiology for the Sports Physician-12 hours
St. Louis, MO
9\14 & 15\02
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Neurology Program part I
10\19 & 20\02
- Georgia Chiropractic Association
The Total Patient Program
Atlanta, GA
- Logan College of Chiropractic
Technique Sampler
2-hours required radiology
2-hours ARTâ
107 MSCA
Required 4 hour Radiology
4-hours required radiology
Earth City, MO
108. Tennessee Chiropractic Association
Lab Diagnosis
Nashville, Tn
109. Logan College of Chiropractic
Required 4 hour Radiology
Skeletal Trauma
- LCC-Head Pain
4-hour radiology
- LCC-Toftness Group
Imaging Tools for the Chiropractor
4-hour radiology
112 Lower Extremity Biomechanics and a skeletal review
6-hour radiology
Arkansas Chiropractic Association
113 Issues in Imaging for the Chiropractic Assistant
6-hour radiology
Arkansas Chiropractic Association
- 12- Hour Radiology Review
New Mexico State Association
4/5 & 6/03
- Neuroradiology I-LCC
Baltimore Maryland
6/21 & 22/03
- LCC-Head Pain
4-hour radiology
- Neuroradiology I
Chicago, IL
9/6 & 7/03
4-hour required radiology
Earth City, MO
119 LCC-Head Pain
4-hour radiology
- Whiplash Certification Course-Radiology
12-hour radiology
12-20 & 21-03
- LCC-Required CE
4-hour radiology
122 Active Release Technique-Spine
LCC-45 hours
Spring 2004
123 Logan College of Chiropractic/Foot Levelers
“The Body in Distress”-12 hours
Alabama State Association
2-7 & 8-04
124 LCC-Certification course for Billing and Documentation
4-17 & 18-04
- LCC-required CE
4-hours radiology
4-hour HIV/AIDS
- CCSP-Sports Radiology
5-22 & 23-04
127 Active Release Technique-Spine
LCC-45 hours
Fall 2004
- LCC Homecoming
6-10, 11, 12, 13-04
- Active Release Technique-re certification
Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN
7/30 & 31/04
Dallas, TX
- LCC-required CE’s
HIV/AIDS-4 hours
Radiology-4 hours
Differential Dx-4 hours
- LCC-required CE’s
Diff. Dx-4 hours
Radiology-4 hours
- LCC-required CE’s
HIV/AIDS-4 hours
Radiology-4 hours
Differential Dx-4 hours
1/8 & 9/05
134 LCC-Certificate Program in Whiplash
12 hours
1/15 & 16/05
45 hours
Spring 2005
136 LCC-Certificate Program in Whiplash
Salt Lake City, UT
12 hours
2/5 & 6/05
- ART-Instructor’s Certification
Scottsdale, AZ
2/18 & 19/05
24 hours
- LCC-Billing and Documentation-Radiology Section
St. Louis, MO
12 hours
3/19 & 20/05
- LCC-Requireds
Diff Dx.
8 hours
45 hours
Summer 2005
141 Logan College of Chiropractic-Homecoming
24 hours
St. Louis, MO
12 hours
7/9 & 10/05
- Nebraska Chiropractic Physicians Association
“Sorry I Missed You”
4 hours of Radiology
- LCC-Requireds
Diff Dx
St. Louis
8 hours
- Alumni Association
Diversified Adjusting
Naples, FL
6 hours
9/29 & 30/05
Radiology-Documentation Imperatives
St. Louis, MO
4 hours
- Graston Technique with David Graston
Clayton, MO
6 hours
- ART at LCC
45 hours
Fall 2005
- LCC-Requireds
Diff DX-The Pediatric Patient
Radiology-The Maturing Spine
12 hours
12/10 & 11/05
- LCC Requireds
Diff DX- The Pediatric Patient
Radiology-The Maturing Skeleton
St. Louis, MO
8 hours
151. Alumni Association Board Meeting
Compliance and Documentation
St. Augustine, FL
4 hours
2/10 & 11/06
152. ART-Instructor’s Certification
Denver, CO
2/17 &18/06
24 hours
153. Chiropractic Assistants Review
St. Louis, MO
6 hours
154. Insurance Consultant/Peer Review-Radiology
St. Louis, MO
3/18 & 19/06
12.5 hours
155. Insurance Consultant/Peer Review-Radiology
Elizabethtown, KY
6 hours
156. LCC Requireds
Diff DX- The Pediatric Patient
Radiology-The Maturing Skeleton
St. Louis, MO
8 hours
4/22 & 23/06
- Wisconsin Chiropractic Association
Annual Convention
Imaging Tools and the Chiropractor and Selected Cases
4/29 & 30/06
12 hours
158. The 100 hour Whiplash Program
St. Louis, MO
6/17 & 18/06
12 hours
159. Logan College of Chiropractic-Homecoming
24 hours
160. LCC Requireds
Diff DX- : Physical Diagnosis of a “Red Flag” Presentation of Lung Cancer
Radiology-Sorry I missed you”
St. Louis, MO
8 hours
4/22 & 23/06
161. LCC Requireds
Diff DX- : Physical Diagnosis of a “Red Flag” Presentation of Lung Cancer
Radiology-Sorry I missed you”
St. Louis, MO
12 hours
9/23 & 24/06
162. Alumni Association Board Meeting
Radiology-A Systematic Approach to Bone Disease
How to be a Successful Chiropractor-Yochum
Craniomandibular and Cervical Spine Biomechanics-Rocabado
Naples, FL
6 hours
9/28 & 29/06
- Chiropractic Assistant Program
Adjunctive Procedures
St. Louis, MO
12 hours
Atlanta, GA
20 hours
10/12 – 14/06
- Neurology Symposium-Nothing But Cases
St. Louis, MO
4 hours
166. LCC Requireds
Diff DX- : Physical Diagnosis of a “Red Flag” Presentation of Lung Cancer
Radiology-Sorry I missed you”
St. Louis, MO
8 hours
167. LCC Required
Diff DX- : Physical Diagnosis of a “Red Flag” Presentation of Lung Cancer
Radiology-Sorry I missed you”
St. Louis, MO
8 hours
- “Sorry I Missed You”
Ottawa, Canada
6 hours
- ART- Lower Extremity
St. Louis, MO
20 hours
- CCSP Sports Radiology
Upper and Lower Extremity Injury
St. Louis, MO
12 hours
2/24 & 25/07
171. LCC Required
Diff DX- : Physical Diagnosis of a “Red Flag” Presentation of Lung Cancer
Radiology-Sorry I missed you”
St. Louis, MO
8 hours
172. Missouri Academy of Chiropractors
Diff DX- : Physical Diagnosis of a “Red Flag” Presentation of Lung Cancer
Radiology-Sorry I missed you”
St. Louis, MO
8 hours
173. Homecoming Continuing Education
St. Louis, MO
24 hours
174. Scoliosis History and Documentation
St. Louis, MO
4 hours
- 12 hours of Requireds
Diff DX- : Physical Diagnosis of a “Red Flag” Presentation of Lung Cancer
Radiology-Sorry I missed you”
St. Louis, MO
12 hours
176. Extremity Certification Series
Upper Extremity Imaging
4 hours
177. ACCR
Denver, CO
16 hours
- Colorado Chiropractic Association
Injury to the Lower Extremity
Denver CO
1.5 hours
179. ART-Upper Extremity
Kansas City, MO
24 hours
- . 8 Hours of Required’s
Physical Diagnosis: Selected cases from Baker’s Dozen
Radiology: Baker’s Dozen-Cases Chiropractors see more than other Physicians by virtue of our training
Chesterfield, MO
8 hours
- 8 Hours of Required’s
Physical Diagnosis: Selected cases from Baker’s Dozen
Radiology: Baker’s Dozen-Cases Chiropractors see more than other Physicians by virtue of our training
182. 6 hours of Post Graduate education
Alumni Association Workshop
1/25 & 26/08
- 4 hours of Required’s
Diagnostic Imaging-Nothing but Cases
184. 8 Hours of Required’s-Missouri Academy of Chiropractors
Physical Diagnosis: Selected cases from Baker’s Dozen
Radiology: Baker’s Dozen-Cases Chiropractors see more than other Physicians by virtue of our training
185. 12 hours-CCSP Sports Radiology
Upper and Lower Extremity Injury
St. Louis, MO
5/31 & 6/1/08
186. 12.5 hours-Insurance Consultant/Peer Review-Radiology
St. Louis, MO
6/7 & 8/08
187. 1 hour-Simple Guide to Test Statistics
Faculty Development
St. Louis, MO
188. 4 hours -Extremity Certification Series
Upper Extremity Imaging
St. Louis, MO
189. 24 hours- Homecoming Continuing Education
St. Louis, MO
190. 12 hours-CCSP Sports Radiology
Spinal Injury
St. Louis, MO
7/26 & 27/08
191. 4 hours -Extremity Certification Series
Lower Extremity Imaging
St. Louis, MO
- 12 hours-Active Release Seminar-Upper Extremity
St. Louis, MO
8/28 & 29/08
193. 6 hours of Post Graduate education
Alumni Association Workshop
Naples, FL
9/25 & 26/08
194. 4 hours-Diagnostic Imaging
Review of Skeletal Maturation
St. Louis, MO
195. 1.5 hours -Life Chiropractic College-West
Injury to the Lower Extremity
San Francisco, CA
196. 9.5 hours-ACCR annual Workshop
San Francisco, CA
197. 4 hours-Diagnostic Imaging-MSCA
Review of Skeletal Maturation
St. Louis, MO
198. 4 hours-Diagnostic Imaging
Review of Skeletal Maturation
St. Louis, MO
199. 4 hours-Diagnostic Imaging
Review of Skeletal Maturation
St. Louis, MO
200. 4 hours-Physical Examination
The Young Patient
St. Louis, MO
201. 6 hours-Auriculotherapy
St. Charles, MO 1/2
1/29 & 30/2009
- 4 hours-Missouri Academy of Chiropractors
Springfield, MO
- 24 hours-Homecoming
Chesterfield, MO
204. 12 hours-Billing and Documentation Chesterfield, MO 8/29-30/09
205. 6 hours-Management of Low Back Conditions Naples, FL 9/25-26/09
206. 15 hours-ACCR annual Workshop Ocean City, MD 10/1-3/09
207. 1.5 hours-MCA annual convention
Ocean City, MD 10/3/09
208. 4 hours Radiology -MSCA St. Peters. MO 10/23/09
209. 12 hour Required Seminar-new guidelines Chesterfield, MO 12/19-20/09
210. 12 hour Required Seminar-new guidelines w/ technique Chesterfield, MO 1/30-31/10
211. 12 hour CCSP Chesterfield, MO 2/13-14/10
212. 16 hour ART instructor re-certification
Las Vegas, NV
213. 24 hour Continuing Education
Chesterfield, MO
Homecoming 2011
214. 12 hour Certification course: Advanced diagnostics for Cervical Spine Injury
Chesterfield, MO
215. 16 hours-ACCR radiology workshop
Minneapolis, MN
216 1.5 hour-Post Grad Seminar at NWHSU
Lower Extremity Injury
217. 6 hours- Post Grad Seminar
Alumni Association Fort Myers
10/14 & 15/11
218. 24 hours-ART Lower Extremity
St. Louis, MO
219. 12 hours-ART-Long Tract w/ Gross Anatomy
St. Louis, MO
11/19 & 20/11
220. 4 hours-MSCA
St. Louis, MO
221. 24 hours-ART-Upper Extremity
Chicago, IL
222. 12 hrs-ART long tract nerve St. Louis, MO 4/28-29/12
223. 6 hrs-Scoliosis St. Louis, MO 5/5/12
224. 16 hrs-Selective Functional mvt assessment St. Louis, MO 5/12-13/12
225. 6 hrs-ART instructors mtg Chicago, IL 5/10-11/12
226. 12 hrs-LCC Billing and Documentation St. Louis, MO 6/2-3/12
227. 24 hours Homecoming St. Louis, MO 6/21-24/12
228. 24 hrs-ART lower extremity Chicago, IL 6/28-7/1/12
229. 17.5 hours ACCR Dallas, TX 10/25-27/12
230. 2 hrs-Parker Homecoming-Lower extremity Dallas, TX 10/27/12
231. 24 hrs-ART upper Ext St. Louis, MO 11/15-18/12
232. 4 hrs-MSCA Diagnostic Imaging St. Louis, MO 11/30/12
233. 6 hrs-Low Back Pain Diagnosis & Management
St. Louis, MO
234. 12 hrs-LCC Billing and Documentation St. Louis, MO 03/2013
235. 4 hrs-DC Power Hours
Minneapolis, MN
236. 4 hrs-TTP 2013
St. Louis, MO
237. 4 hrs-MSCA radiology
St. Louis, MO
237. 4 hrs-DC Power Hours
Chicago, IL
238. 24 hrs-ART lower extremity
St. Louis, MO
239. 4 hrs-DC Power Hours
St. Louis, MO
240. 4 hrs-DC Power Hours
Kansas City, MO
241. 6 hrs-LCC-Common Golf Injuries
St. Louis, MO
242. 16 hours-LCC Advanced SFMA
St. Louis, MO
3/22 & 23/14
243. 20 hours-ART Spine
Chicago, IL
244. 24 hours-Spring Symposium
LCC and Chesterfield
245. 24 hours-ART Lower
Chicago, IL
246. 16 hours-SFMA
8/2 & 3/14
247. 24 hours-ART Lower
Bloomington, MN
248. 18 hours-ACCR Annual Workshop
Bloomington, MN
249. 3.5 hours-ACCR and Northwestern PG
Bloomington, MN
250. 24 hours-ART Upper
St. Louis, MO
251. 24 hours-ART Upper
Chicago, IL
252 24 hours-ART Lower
Kansas City, MO
253 2 hours-LU PostGrad.
Overview of Chiro practice
254 20 hours-ART-Spine
Chicago, IL
255 24 hours Spring Symposium
St. Louis, MO
256 18 hours-ACCR annual workshop
Chicago, IL
257 4 hours-DC Power Hours
St. Louis, MO
258 24 hours-ART Lower
St. Louis, MO
259 4 hours-DC Power Hours
Kansas City, MO
260 24 hours-ART-Upper
Chicago, IL
261 20 hours-ART-Spine
Kansas City, MO
262 16 hours-SFMA Level 1
Overland Park, MO
263 24 hours-ART-UPPER
Austin, TX
264 32 hours ART Annual Instructors meeting
Colorado Springs, CO
265 16 hours SFMA level I
Chicago, IL
266 16 hours SFMA level II
Chicago, IL
267 17 hours ACCR annual workshop
St. Louis, MO
268 8 hours DC Power Hours
Chicago, IL
269 8 hours DC power Hours
St. Louis, MO
270 16 hours ART Spine II
Colorado Springs, CO
271 16 hours SFMA Instructors meeting
Oceanside, CA
272 8 hours ART-Long Tract
St. Louis, MO
273 17.5 ACCR Annual Workshop
Bloomington, MN
274 1 hour ACCR/Northwestern
Bloomington, MN
275 16 hours SFMA level I
Overland Park, KS
276 24 hours ART Lower I
St. Louis, MO
277 4 hours DC Power Hours
St. Louis, MO
278 4 hours DC Power Hours
Blue Springs, MO
279 24 hours ART Upper I
Chicago, IL
280 24 Hours ART Upper Level 2
Colorado Springs, CO
281 24 hours Spring Symposium 2018
St. Louis, MO
282 24 hours ART Lower 1
Chicago, IL
283 16 hours SFMA level 1
Chesterfield, MO
284 17.5 hours ACCR Annual Workshop
Portland, OR
285 4 hours DC-Power Hours
Chesterfield, MO
286 24 Hours ART Upper level 1
St. Louis, MO
287 4 hours DC-Power Hours
Chesterfield, MO
Additional Teaching
Assignments: 1. Instructor, Pelvic/Prostate Course
Logan College of Chiropractic
- Instructor, Biohazard Video
Logan College of Chiropractic
- Soft Tissue Treatment
Active Release Technique (ART)
Logan College of Chiropractic
4. Excel Sports annual CEU’s for Athletic Trainers
Wentzville-Holt High School
5. Instructor-National Board Specialists
Board Review-Radiology
Postdoctoral Seminars (1989 – present):
ACRRT Re-Certification St. Louis, Missouri 11/18/89
ACRRT Re-Certification St. Louis, Missouri 12/19/89
Chiropractic Assistant Radiology (50 hour) St. Louis, Missouri
ACRRT Re-Certification St. Louis, Missouri 11/90
ACRRT Re-Certification St. Louis, Missouri 12/90
ACRRT Re-Certification St. Louis, Missouri 09/91
ACRRT Re-Certification St. Louis, Missouri 11/91
Chiropractic Assistant Radiology (50 hour) St. Louis, Missouri
ACRRT Re-Certification St. Louis, Missouri 09/92
ACRRT Re-Certification St. Louis, Missouri 11/92
Chiropractic Assistant Radiology (50 hour) St. Louis, Missouri 1992/93 Winter
ACRRT Re-Certification St. Louis, Missouri 09/93
Chiropractic Assistant Course (24 hour) St. Louis, Missouri 09/93-10/93
ACRRT Re-Certification St. Louis, Missouri 11/93
Chiropractic Assistant Radiology (50 hour) St. Louis, Missouri 1994
Chiropractic Assistant Radiology (50 hour) Madison, Wisconsin 1994
Soft Tissue Injury of Cervical Spine (4 hour) St. Louis, Missouri 11/94
ACRRT Re-Certification (6 hour) St. Louis, Missouri 11/94
Chiropractic Assistant Radiology (50 hour) St. Louis, Missouri 1995
DABCO – Physical Examination St. Louis, Missouri 1995
Soft Tissue Injury of Cervical Spine (4 hour) St. Louis, Missouri 11/95
ACRRT Re-Certification (6 hour) St. Louis, Missouri 11/96
Chiropractic Assistant Radiology (50 hour) St. Louis, Missouri 1996
Soft Tissue Injury of Cervical Spine (4 hour) Tan-Tar-A, Missouri 1996
Investigation of the Cervical Spine (4 hour) St. Louis, Missouri 05/96
DABCO – Physical Examination (12 hour) St. Louis, Missouri 12/96
DABCO – Physical Examination (12 hour) Baton Rouge, LA 01/97
Chiropractic Assistant Radiology (50 Hour) St. Louis, Missouri 1997
Chiropractic Assistant Lab Technique (24 Hour) St. Louis, Missouri Jan/Feb 1997
MSCA Physical Diagnosis (4 Hour) St. Louis, Missouri 1997
MSCA X-Ray Diagnosis (4 Hour) Spring Convention 1997
X- Ray Diagnosis – Deaconess Hospital (4 Hour) St. Louis, Missouri 03/97
California State Board Requirement (15 Hour) St. Louis, Missouri
Pelvic/Prostate Requirements
Kentucky State Convention (6 Hour) Kentucky 10/97
MSCA X-Ray (4 Hour) St. Louis, Missouri 12/97
Chiropractic Assistant Radiology (50 Hour) St. Louis, Missouri 02/98
F.A.C.R. Winter Meeting (4 Hour) St. Louis, Missouri 02/98
Association of Chiropractic Colleges (1/2 Hour) Las Vegas, Nevada 02/98
X-Ray Diagnosis – Deaconess Hospital (4 Hour) St. Louis, Missouri 03/98
Pelvic/Prostate – CA and OR State Requirements St. Louis, Missouri 05/98
Ohio State Chiropractic Assoc. Annual Meeting Columbus, Ohio 09/98
Neuroradiology – Diplomate of Neurology Montreal, Canada 11/98
Arthritides – MO State Re-licensure St. Louis, Missouri 12/98
Gastrointestinal Radiology (4 Hour) St. Louis, Missouri 04/24/99
Neuroradiology – Diplomate in Neurology San Francisco, CA 06/12-13/99
Homecoming – Logan College of Chiropractic St. Louis, Missouri 06/18/99
Neuroradiology – 4 hours
Neuroradiology – Diplomate in Neurology Long Island, NY 06/19-20/99
Neuroradiology – 4 hour St. Louis, Missouri 06/27/99
Pelvic/Prostate Course – 5 hour St. Louis, MO 10/06/99
Radiological Extravanganza Philadelphia, PA 10/22/99
Laboratory Diagnosis St. Louis, MO 11/6-7/99
Arthritides – 4 hours St. Louis, MO 11/18/99
Arthritides – 4 hours St. Louis, MO 11/20/99
CCSP – Sports Radiology St. Louis, MO 12/11-12/99
GI Radiology St. Louis, MO 12/99
Arthritides St. Louis, MO 1/2000
Neuroradiology Amsterdam 2/2000
ART – 20 hours Toronto, Ont. 3/2000
Pelvic/Prostate Course St. Louis, MO 3/2000
Geriatric Symposium St. Louis, MO 4/2000
Nutrition Diplomate Program – 2 hours St. Louis, MO 4/2000
Pelvic/Prostate Course St. Louis, MO 5/24/00
The Body in Distress Springfield, IL 8/26-27/00
Soft Tissue Management St. Louis, MO 9/9-10/00
The Body in Distress St. Louis, MO 9/16-17/00
The Body in Distress Charlestown, WV 9/23-24/00
Assoc. AZ Chiropractors Annual Convention Scottsdale, AZ 9/30/00
Sports Radiology (CCSP) St. Louis, MO 10/7-8/00
The Body in Distress Denver, CO 11/11-12/00
The Body in Distress Albuquerque, NM 11/18-19/00
MSCA 4 hour Radiology Earth City, MO 12/2/00
Spinal Manifestations of Dermatological Dz. St. Louis, MO 12/9/00
Skeletal Manifestations of Dermatological Dz. St. Louis, MO 1/20/01
The Body in Distress Lexington, KY 2/10-11/01
The Body in Distress Tucson, AZ 3/3-4/01
The Body in Distress Charlottesville, VA 3/17-18/01
The Body in Distress Springfield, MA 4/28-29/01
The Body in Distress Cleveland, OH 5/19-20/01
Racing to Disaster Kansas City, KS 6/7/01
Sports Radiology (CCSP) San Antonio, TX 6/9-10/01
The Body in Distress Detroit, MI 6/23-24/01
Radiation Technology St. Louis, MO 7/14/01
Radiation Technology St. Louis, MO 8/4/01
The Body in Distress Little Rock, AR 9/8-9/01
Skeletal Imaging (emergency program) Nashville, TN 9/15-16/01
Auriculotherapy Naples, FL 9/28-29/01
Radiation Technology St. Louis, MO 11/3/01
Imaging for the Chiropractic Physician St. Louis, MO 11/4/01
Sports Radiology (CCSP) St. Louis, MO 11/17-18/01
The Body in Distress Fargo, ND 12/1-2/01
GI Radiology St. Louis, MO 1/5/02
Parker Seminars Las Vegas Nevada 1/17-20/02
Upper Extremity Injury St. Louis, MO 1/5/02
Lower Extremity Injury St. Louis, MO 2/23/02
Pes Planus and Lower Extremity Injury Jacksonville, FL 4/20/02
GI Radiology St. Louis, MO 5/4/02
Logan College Homecoming St. Louis, MO 6/13-16/02
TVCA annual meeting Knoxville, TN 8/24-25/02
LCC-CCSP St Louis, MO 9/14-15/02
Neuroradiology pt I St Louis, MO 10/19-20/02
ACCR annual convention Atlanta Georgia 10/24-26/02
Georgia Chiropractic Association Atlanta, GA 10/27/02
LCC- Technique Sampler St Louis, MO 11/23/02
MSCA St Louis, MO 12/6/02
TCA-Lab Dx Nashville, TN 12/8/02
LCC-Radiology St Louis, MO 12/14/02
LCC-Head Pain St Louis, MO 1/18/03
LCC-Toftness Group St. Louis, MO 3/1/03
Arkansas Chiropractic Assoc. Little Rock, AR 3/8/03
New Mexico Chiro Assn. Albuquerque 4/5 & 6/03
Neuroradiology II St Louis, MO 5/31 & 6/1/03
LCC-Homecoming St Louis, MO 6/5-8/03
Neuroradiology I Baltimore, MD 6/21 & 22/03
LCC St. Louis, MO 7-12-03
Neuroradiology I Chicago, IL 9/6 & 7/03
Distance Learning-Alumni Assoc. Naples, FL 9/27/03
MSCA Earth City, MO 10/10/03
LCC St. Louis, MO 12-13-03
LCC-Whiplash Certification St. Louis, MO 12-20 & 21-03
LCC-Radiology St. Louis, MO 1/4/04
Alabama State Association Huntsville, AL 2/7&8/04
ACC/RAC Las Vegas, NV 3/11-14/04
LCC-Billing and Documentation St. Louis, MO 4/17 & 18/04
LCC-Radiology St. Louis, MO 4/24/04
LCC-Differential Diagnosis St. Louis, MO 4/24/04
LCC-CCSP St. Louis, MO 5/22 & 23/04
ART-re-certification St. Paul, MN 7/29-30/04
ACCR Dallas, TX 9/16-19/04
LCC-HIV/AIDS St. Louis, MO 9/25/04
LCC-Radiology St. Louis, MO 9/25/04
LCC-Differential Diagnosis St. Louis, MO 9/25/04
Auriculotherapy Naples, FL 9/30-10/2/04
MSCA-radiology St. Louis, MO 12/3/04
LCC-HIV/AIDS St. Louis, MO 12/11/04
LCC-Radiology St. Louis, MO 12/11/04
LCC-Diff Dx, Radiology, AIDS/HIV St. Louis, MO 1/8&9/05
LCC-Whiplash St. Louis, MO 1/15&16/05
ART-LCC St. Louis, MO spring 2005
Whiplash Salt Lake City, UT 2/5&6/05
LCC-Billing and Documentation St. Louis, MO 3/19&20/05
LCC-Requireds-Diff Dx, Radiology St. Louis, MO 4/30/05
ART-at LCC St. Louis, MO summer 2005
CCSP St. Louis, MO 7/9&10/05
Sorry I Missed You Omaha, Neb. 8/19/05
LCC-Diff Dx-Pediatric Patient
Radiology-The Maturing Skeleton St. Louis, MO 9/24/05
MSCA-Documentation Imperatives St. Louis, MO 10/14/05
ART at LCC St. Louis, MO Fall 2005
LCC-Diff Dx-The Pediatric Patient
Radiology-The Maturing Skeleton St. Louis, MO 12/10&11/05
LCC- Diff Dx-The Pediatric Patient
Radiology-The Maturing Skeleton St. Louis, MO 1/7/06
ART-Instructor Re-Certification Denver, CO 2/17 & 18/06
LCC-Billing and Documentation St. Louis, MO 3/18 & 19/06
LCC-Dif Dx-Red Flag Diagnosis St. Louis, MO 4/22/06
-Radiology 4/23/06
Kentucky Insurance Review Elizabethtown, KY 4/20/06
Wisc Chiro Association Green Bay, WI 4/29 & 30/06
Homecoming 2006 St. Louis, MO 6/8-11/06
LCC-Whiplash Certification St. Louis, MO 6/17& 18/06
LCC-Required Diff Dx.
AIDS St. Louis, MO 9/23 & 24/06
Alumni Association Naples, Fl 9/29 & 30/06
ACCR Atlanta, GA 10/12-14/06
LCC-Required Diff Dx.
Radiology St. Louis, MO 12/9/06
LCC Required Diff Dx.
Radiology St. Louis, MO 1/6/07
Ottawa, Canada-“Sorry I missed You” (6-hour) Ottawa, Canada 2/3/07
CCSP Extremity Injury Seminar St. Louis, MO 2/24 +25/07
LCC-Required Diff Dx.
Radiology St. Louis, MO 4/14/07
Missouri Academy of Chiropractors Springfield, MO 4/20/07
National Board Specialists Los Angeles, CA 4/28+29/07
National Board Specialists Kansas City, MO 5/5+6/07
LCC-Scoliosis St. Louis, MO 6/30/07
LCC Required St. Louis, MO 9/22+23/07
Extremity Certification-Upper St. Louis, MO 10/13/07
Colorado Chiropractic Association Denver, CO 10/20/07
LCC Requireds St. Louis, MO 12/8/07
8 Hours of Required’s St. Louis, MO 1/5/08
6 hours of General Hours St. Louis, MO 1/25 & 26/08
LCC Requireds St. Louis, MO 4/12/08
Missouri Academy of Chiropractors Springfield, MO 4/18/08
CCSP Extremity Injury Seminar St. Louis, MO 5/31-6/1/08
LCC-Billing and Documentation St. Louis, MO 6/7-8/08
Faculty development St. Louis, MO 6/12/08
Extremity Certification-Upper St. Louis, MO 6/14/08
CCSP Spinal Injury Seminar St. Louis, MO 7/26-27/08
Extremity Certification-Upper St. Louis, MO 8/16/08
ART Seminar-Hyatt St. Louis, MO 8/28-29/08
LCC Requireds St. Louis, MO 10/5/08
Injury to the Lower extremity Life C.C.-West 10/17/08
MSCA-Review of Skeletal Maturation St. Louis, MO 12/5/08
LCC Requireds- Review of Skeletal Maturation St. Louis, MO 12/7/08
Homecoming Chesterfield, MO 6//08
LCC Requireds- Review of Skeletal Maturation St. Louis, MO 1/17/09
LCC Requireds- the Young Patient St. Louis, MO 1/17/09
MO. Academy of Chiropractors Springfield, MO 4/18/09
LCC-Billing and Documentation St. Louis, MO 8/29-30/09
MCA-Racing to Disaster Ocean City, MD 10/3/09
MSCA-Sorry I Missed You St. Peters, MO 10/23/09
LCC Requireds- New Guidelines Chesterfield, MO 12/19-20/09
LCC Requireds- New Guidelines Chesterfield, MO 1/30-31/10
LCC CCSP Chesterfield, MO 2/13-14/10
4 hour Case Studies Chesterfield, MO 6/23/11
12 hour Certification course: Advanced diagnostics for Cervical Spine Injury
Chesterfield, MO 8/20-21/11
1.5 hour-Seminar at NWHSU-Lwr Extremity Injury Minneapolis, MN 10/1/11
24hr-ART Lower Ext. St. Louis, MO 11/10-12/11
12 hr ART NE St. Louis, MO 11/19 &20/11
4 hrs-MSCA continuing Education St. Louis, MO 12/2/11
24 hrs-ART upper Ext Chicago, IL 12/8-10/11
12 hrs-ART long tract nerve St. Louis, MO 4/28-29/12
6 hrs-Scoliosis St. Louis, MO 5/5/12
16 hrs-Selective Functional mvt assessment St. Louis, MO 5/12-13/12
6 hrs-ART instructors mtg Chicago, IL 5/10-11/12
12 hrs-LCC Billing and Documentation St. Louis, MO 6/2-3/12
6 hrs-CA Radiology St. Louis, MO 6/9/12
24 hrs-ART lower extremity Chicago, IL 6/28-7/1/12
2 hrs-Parker Homecoming-Lower extremity Dallas, TX 10/27/12
24 hrs-ART upper Ext St. Louis, MO 11/15-18/12
4 hrs-MSCA Diagnostic Imaging St. Louis, MO 11/30/12
2 hrs-Low Back Pn and Mgmt St. Louis, MO 01/05/13
12 hrs-Insurance Consultant St. Louis, MO 3/2013
16 hrs-ART instructors meeting Las Vegas, NV 3/2013
4 hrs-DCpowerhours Minneapolis, MN 6/2013
24 hrs-Homecoming St. Louis, MO 6/2013
16 hrs-SFMA St. Louis, MO 10/2013
17.5 hrs-ACCR annual workshop St. Louis, MO 10/2013
4 hrs-TTP St. Louis, MO 10/2013
4 hrs-MSCA-radiology St. Louis, MO 10/2013
4 hrs-DCpowerhours Chicago, IL 11/2013
24 hrs-ART-Lower St. Louis, MO 11/2013
4 hrs-DCpowerhours St. Louis, MO 12/2013
4 hrs-DCpowerhours Kansas City, MO 12/2013
24 hrs-ART-Upper Kansas City, MO 1/2014
6 hrs-Solutions to common golf Inj. St. Louis, MO 1/2014
16 hrs-Advanced SFMA St. Louis, MO 3/2014
20 hrs-ART Spine Chicago, IL 3/2014
24 hrs-Spring Symposium St. Louis, MO 4/2014
24 hrs-ART Lower Chicago, IL 7/2014
16 hrs-SFMA St. Louis, MO 8/2014
24 hrs-ART Lower Bloomington, MN 9/2014
18 hrs-ACCR workshop Bloomington, MN 9/2014
3.5 hrs-ACCR/NUHS PG Bloomington, MN 9/2014
24 hrs-ART Upper St. Louis, MO 11/2014
24 hrs-ART Upper Chicago, IL 12/2014 24 hrs-ART Lower Kansas City, MO 1/2015
2 hours-LU PG Chesterfield, MO 1/2015
20 hrs-ART Spine Chicago, IL 2/2015
24 hrs-Spring Symposium Chesterfield, MO 4/2015
18 hrs ACCR workshop Chicago, IL 10/2015
4 hrs DC Power Hours St. Louis, MO 11/2015
24 hrs ART Lower St. Louis, MO 11/2015
4 hrs DC Power Hours Kansas City, MO 11/2015
24 hrs ART-Upper Chicago, IL 12/2015
20 hrs ART-Spine Kansas City, MO 1/2016
16 hrs SFMA Overland Park, KS 3/2016
24 hrs ART-Upper Austin, TX 3/2016
32 hours ART Instruc. Mtg Colorado Springs, CO4/2016
24 hours SFMA Instruc Mtg Oceanside, CA 6/2016
16 hours SFMA level I Chicago IL 7/2016
16 hours SFMA level II Chicago, IL 7/2016
17 hours ACCR St. Louis, MO 10/2016
4 hours DC Power Hours Chicago, IL 11/2016
4 hours DC Power Hours St. Louis, MO 12/2016
16 hours ART Spine II Colorado Springs, CO 4/27-29/17
16 hours SFMA Instructors meeting Oceanside, CA 8/14-15/17
8 hours ART-Long Tract St. Louis, MO 9/23/17
17.5 ACCR Annual Workshop Bloomington, MN 10/12-14/17
1 hour ACCR/Northwestern Bloomington, MN 10/14/17
16 hours SFMA level I Overland Park, KS 11/4-5/17
24 hours ART Lower I St. Louis, MO 11/16-18/17
4 hours DC Power Hours St. Louis, MO 12/2/17
4 hours DC Power Hours Blue Springs, MO 12/9/17
24 hours ART Upper I Chicago, IL 12/14-16/17
1 hour Spring Symposium St. Louis, MO 5/5/18
24 hours ART Lower 1 Chicago, IL 7/12-14/18
16 hours SFMA level 1 Chesterfield, MO 10/20-21/18
4 hours DC-Power Hours Chesterfield, MO 11/3/18
24 Hours ART Upper level 1 St. Louis, MO 11/15-17/18
4 hours DC-Power Hours Chesterfield, MO 12/1/18