Curriculum Vitae
Doctor of Chiropractic, Logan College of Chiropractic, December 2009
Bachelor of Science, Logan University, December 2007
Concentration: Human Biology
Prerequisite Education, Metropolitan Community Colleges, May 2006
Concentration: Associate in Science, Associate in Arts
Chiropractic Licensure:
Missouri (2010-Present)
Board Certifications:
Diplomate, American Chiropractic Board of Radiology (October 2013)
Owner/Chiropractic Radiologist, Gateway Radiology Consultants (August 2013-Present)
Fellow, Diagnostic Imaging. Logan College of Chiropractic (April 2013-August 2014)
Resident, Diagnostic Imaging. Logan College of Chiropractic (April 2010- April 2013)
Diagnostic Imaging Red Badge (January 2009-December 2009)
Logan College of Chiropractic Clinical Internship, St. Peters Clinic (December 2008-December 2009)
Logan College of Chiropractic Student Clinic rotation (September 2008-December 2008)
Mattox R, Welk AB, Jokerst A, VanKirk B, Kettner NW: Clinical and sonographic evaluation of a lower extremity Angioleiomyoma in a 52-year-old woman. J Chiropr Med 2016 Jun;15(2):145-8
Mattox R, Welk AB, Battaglia PJ, Scali F, Nunez M, Kettner NW: Sonographic diagnosis of an acute Stener lesion: a case report. J Ultrasound. 2015 Jun 23, 19(2):149-52
Daniels CJ, Welk AB, Enix DE: Diagnostic ultrasonography of an ankle fracture undetectable by conventional radiography: a case report. J Chiropr Med 2016 Mar; 15(1):35-41.
Enix DE, Sudkamp K, Scali F, Keating R, Welk AB: Management of acute patellar dislocation: a case report. J Chiropr Med 2015 Sep;14(3):212-9.
Battaglia PJ, Mattox R, Haun DW, Welk AB, Kettner NW: Dynamic Ultasonography of the deep external rotator musculature of the hip: a descriptive study. PM R 2015 Nov 10 pii: S1934-1482(15)01100-4.
Welk AB, Haun DW, Clark TB, Kettner NW: Use of high-resolution ultrasound to measure changes in plantar fascia thickness resulting from tissue creep in runners and walkers. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2015 Jan;38(1):81-5.
Davidson RT, Wall M, Welk AB: Regionalized fat mass estimations in Caucasian adults from subcutaneous fat thickness measured using ultrasound. Conference Paper, March 2015
Battaglia PJ, Welk AW, Kettner NW: Ultrasound appearance and dynamic evaluation of variant long head of the biceps tendon anatomy with MRI correlation. J Ultrasound 2014 Sept 9;18(2):187-9.
Mattox R, Reckelhoff KE, Welk AB, Kettner NW: Sonography of occult rib and costal cartilage fractures: a case series. J Chiropr Med 2014 Jun;13(2):139-43.
Battaglia P, Maeda Y, Welk A, Hough B, Kettner NW: Reliability of the Goutallier classification in quantifying lumbar multifidus fat using MRI. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2014 Mar-Apr;37(3):190-7.
Welk AB, Kettner NW: Aneurysmal bone cyst presenting as a pathologic fracture in a 12-year-old football player: a case report. J Chiropr Med. 2014 Mar;13(1):62-6.
Contributor, Two-Views.com “MRI Vs. CT, Which Scans Are Better?” (February, 2013)
Scali F, Pontell ME, Welk AB, Malmstrom TK, Marshall E, Kettner NW. Magnetic resonance imaging investigation of the atlanto-axial interspace. Clin Anat. 2013 May;26(4):444-9.
Welk AB, Werdehausen DN, Kettner NW. Conservative management of recurrent lumbar disk herniation with epidural fibrosis: a case report. J Chiropr Med. 2012 Dec;11(4):249-53.
Senior Research, “The Effect of Spinal Manipulation on a Golfer’s Club Head Speed”
Platform Presentations:
Battaglia PJ, Welk AB, Haun DW, Mattox R, Kamper J, Kettner NW: A pilot study assessing the feasibility of sonography to examine the deep external rotator musculature of the hip and proximal sciatic nerve in asymptomatic participants. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Annual Meeting Orlando, FL March 21-15, 2015
Snyder B, Enix D, Arnold C, Welk AB: Effectiveness of Electro-Acupuncture on Ganglion Cysts: A Pilot Study. Association of Chiropractic Colleges Educational and Research Agenda Conference Las Vegas, NV March 20-21, 2015
Battaglia PB, Maeda Y, Welk AB, Hough B, Kettner NW: Reliability of the Goutallier classification in quantifying lumbar multifidus fat using MRI. Association of Chiropractic Colleges Educational and Research Agenda Conference Orlando, FL March 20-22, 2014
Welk AB, Haun DW, Clark TB, Kettner NW: Plantar Fascia Thickness in Runners and Walkers. American College of Chiropractic Research Agenda Conference, Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, March 2013
Poster Presentations:
Welk AB, Kettner NW: Diagnostic Ultrasound Findings in Adhesive Capsulitis: A Report of Two Cases. Association of Chiropractic Colleges Educational and Research Agenda Conference Las Vegas, NV March 20-21, 2015
Van Kirk B, Welk AB, Jokerst A, Kettner NW: Clinical and Ultrasound Evaluation of an Angioleiomyoma in the Lower Extremity: A Case Report. Association of Chiropractic Colleges Educational and Research Agenda Conference Las Vegas, NV March 20-21, 2015
Mattox R, Welk AB, Nunez M, Kettner NW: Sonographic Diagnosis of an Acute Stener Lesion: A Case Report. Association of Chiropractic Colleges Educational and Research Agenda Conference Las Vegas, NV March 20-21, 2015
Welk AB, Kettner NW: Ultrasound Imaging of Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears: A Report of Two Cases Association of Chiropractic Colleges Educational and Research Agenda Conference Orlando, FL March 20-22, 2014
Mattox R, Reckelhoff KE, Welk AB, Kettner NW: Sonography of occult rib and costal cartilage fractures: a case series Association of Chiropractic Colleges Educational and Research Agenda Conference Orlando, FL March 20-22, 2014
Enix D, Sudkamp K, Welk AB, Keating R, Scali F: Patellar dislocation: a case report Association of Chiropractic Colleges Educational and Research Agenda Conference Orlando, FL March 20-22, 2014
Invited Postgraduate Lectures:
“Diagnostic Imaging of the Athlete: Upper Extremity” MSCA Summer Convention (2016)
“Spinal Trauma” MSCA District II, Kansas City, MO (2016)
“Spinal Trauma” DC Power Hours, St. Louis, MO (2015)
“Diagnostic Imaging of the Athlete: Lower Extremity” DC Power Hours, Des Moines, IA (2015)
“Diagnostic Imaging of the Athlete: Lower Extremity” DC Power Hours, St. Louis, MO (2015)
“Spinal Trauma” MSCA District I, St. Louis, MO (2015)
“Diagnostic Imaging of the Athlete: Lower Extremity” DC Power Hours, Chicago, IL (2015)
“Challenge of the Unknown” Panel Member, American Chiropractic College of Radiology annual meeting (2015)
“Diagnostic Imaging of the Athlete: Upper Extremity” DC Power Hours, Kansas City, MO (2014)
“Diagnostic Imaging of the Athlete: Upper Extremity” DC Power Hours, St. Louis, MO (2014)
“Diagnostic Imaging of the Athlete: Upper Extremity” MSCA District 1 CE Hours (2014)
“Diagnostic Imaging Utilization” DC Power Hours, St. Louis, MO (2014)
“Diagnostic Imaging Utilization” DC Power Hours, Kansas City, MO (2014)
“Diagnostic Imaging Utilization” DC Power Hours, Chicago, IL (2014)
“Diagnostic Imaging Utilization” DC Power Hours, Des Moines, IA (2014)
Logan Grant ($500)
Awards and Honors:
Logan College of Chiropractic Certificate of Merit (December 2009)
Logan College of Chiropractic Certificate of Merit (August 2009)
Logan College of Chiropractic Certificate of Merit (April 2009)
Logan College of Chiropractic Certificate of Merit (December 2008)
Logan College of Chiropractic Certificate of Merit (August 2008)
Logan College of Chiropractic Certificate of Merit (December 2007)
Oak Park High School Graduation With Honors (May 2003)
Skills and Certifications:
NIH Protecting Human Research Participants Certificate of Completion (2011)
Diagnostic Imaging Red Badge
Graston Technique Module I Certified
Activator Technique Basic Proficiency Certified
Missouri State Chiropractic Association (2016-Present)
American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (2013-Present)
American Chiropractic College of Radiology (2010-Present)
Radiological Society of North America (2010-2013)
Logan College of Chiropractic Alumni Association (2009-2011)
Student member, Illinois Chiropractic Association (2009-2010)
Post Graduate Education:
Logan University Spring Symposium (2016)
Attendee, American Chiropractic College of Radiology annual meeting (2015)
Logan College of Chiropractic Alumni Association Homecoming (2015)
Attendee, American Chiropractic College of Radiology annual meeting (2014)
Logan University Spring Symposium (2014)
American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Annual Meeting (2014)
Attendee, American Chiropractic College of Radiology annual meeting (2013)
American College of Chiropractic Research Agenda Conference (2013)
University of Chicago School of Medicine, Radiology Board Review Course (2013)
Logan College Alumni Homecoming Convention, License Renewal (2012)
Attendee, American Chiropractic College of Radiology annual meeting (2012)
Attendee, American Chiropractic College of Radiology annual meeting (2011)
Attendee, 4th National Symposium on Complementary and Alternative Geriatric Health Care (2010)
Attendee, Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting (2010)
Available upon request.