Acupuncture Orthopedics, Part 1

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Acupuncture Orthopedics, Part 1
Jenny L. Crosby Wiemann D.C
4 hours of Acupuncture $60.00 $49.00

Hour One
Tui Na as a component of eastern treatment
Definition of grades
Appropriate coding and treatment under ICD 7th digit A, D, S (initial, subsequent, sequelae)
Acute and Chronic – defined
Mainstream testing tools – a review of terms
Non Surgical Orthopedic Treatments
Soft Tissue Treatment with Acupuncture
Chronic Pain and the points KI3, KI10 and BL60 – a review
Dampness and the points SP6 and SP9 – a review
Bi Syndrome – A review of the term,  how it is caused and what it can develop into
Choosing the Right Points

Hour Two
Contralateral Points
Paired Extraordinary Meridians
Special points and when to use them
Paired Extraordinary Meridians and when to use them

Hour Three
Sprain Strain – Diagnosis and Treatment
TCM Etiology of Sprain/Strain
Acupuncture Treatment related to differentiation of patterns

Hour Four
Acupuncture Treatment related to local symptoms
Classifying Cervical Acceleration Deceleration Injuries
Orthopedic Tests for cervical spine
Radicular symptoms in cervical sprain/strains
Treatment strategies for whiplash
Additional acupuncture points for sprain/strain and whiplash
Facet joint pain
Radicular vs radiculopathy
Treatment options for radiculopathy
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and Double Crush Syndrome

Approved For Continuing Education Credit in Illinois, Kansas, and Missouri.
PACE courses are accepted for Continuing Education Credit by The State Boards of Alaska, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming. The State Board of Colorado does not pre-approve courses, but this class meets the criteria set forth by their respective boards.

Ratings and Reviews

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6 Ratings
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David McNamara
Posted 2 years ago

Great refresher course, with some really good new info that you can use right away! Thank you!

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Posted 2 years ago
Thank you

great course

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Thomas Green
Posted 2 years ago
very informative

Excellent delivery.

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Marla Brown-James
Posted 2 years ago
common points used together

loved the little extras she gave.

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Michael Fiscella
Posted 2 years ago


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Catherine Silver-Riddell
Posted 2 years ago
Loved that Dr. Snow gave us reference books to order

Dr. Snow was informative but engaging and not dry. Humorous, love Dr. (mini) Snow!

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